Santa Cruz County Elections June 5, 2001 Special School Districts Election VOTERS INFORMATION PAMPHLETMEASURE, ANALYSIS AND ARGUMENT Arguments in support of, or in opposition to, the proposed laws are the opinions of the authors. |
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IMPORTANT NOTICE TO VOTERS - This election is being conducted only with ballots mailed to all voters who reside in the seven parcels on Lockhart Gulch Road who are the subject of transfer from San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District to Scotts Valley Unified School District. The Santa Cruz County Elections Department will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day to assist voters. See back cover for more information. Please refer to the "Instructions to Voters" regarding how to mark your ballot. Voted ballots must be received by the Santa Cruz County Elections Department no later than 8 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, 2001. Postmark is not acceptable. SANTA CRUZ COUNTY VOTERS BEWARE: The school district includes voters both in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara county. Each county is independently conducting the election for their portion of the district. Therefore, Santa Cruz County voters must vote the ballot provided by Santa Cruz County and return it by mail to Santa Cruz County Elections or the polling place provided for Santa Cruz County voters. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, or need assistance, please call us at the Santa Cruz County Elections Department at 831-454-2060. FAX: 831-454-2445. ![]() SCHOOL DISTRICT REORGANIZATION ![]() |
IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS BY COUNTY COUNSEL An election has been called to determine whether the parcels of real property listed in the ballot question should be transferred from the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District and into the Scotts Valley Unified School District. If approved by a majority of those voting on this measure, the territory will be transferred to Scotts Valley Unified School District. The reorganization requires approval by a majority of those voting on this measure in order to pass. A "yes" vote is to approve the transfer of this territory from San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District into Scotts Valley Unified School District. A "no" vote is against transferring this territory from San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District into Scotts Valley Unified School District. SAMUEL TORRES, JR. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE WThe Santa Cruz County Committee on School District Organization urges you to vote "YES" to reorganize the common boundary line between the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District and the Scotts Valley Unified School District. Your "YES" vote will transfer seven parcels from the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District into the Scotts Valley Unified School District. The Santa Cruz County Committee on School District Organization held public hearings and received public and school district input regarding this matter. The Committee concluded that it is in the best interest of current and future students residing in the area for the transfer to be made. The seven parcels proposed to be transferred are located on Lockhart Gulch Road and a private road that branches off of Lockhart Gulch Road. All parcels have Lockhart Gulch Road addresses in the City of Scotts Valley. The most generally accepted and used access to and from the area is by way of Mount Hermon Road. When leaving the residences located on the parcels proposed for transfer, residents cross the boundary line separating the Scotts Valley Unified School District and the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District and drive through the Scotts Valley Unified School District south on Lockhart Gulch Road to Mount Hermon Road. If their children attend school in the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District, they turn right on Mount Hermon Road and continue to drive through the Scotts Valley Unified School District for approximately three-quarters of a mile to again reach the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District boundary line. While the differences in mileage and travel time from the Lockhart Gulch Road parcels affect by the proposed transfer to the different Districts was not significant, the Committee found that the desires of parents to send their children to schools within their defined community was significant. Your "YES" will honor the wishes of these Lockhart Gulch Road residents to be a part of the Scotts Valley Unified School District.
Santa Cruz County Board of Education NO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE W WAS FILED.![]() Returning Your BallotTo be counted, your voted ballot must be returned in one of the following ways:1. By Mail - The ballot must be received by the Santa Cruz County Elections Department no later than 8 p.m. on June 5, 2001. Your ballot cannot be counted if received after 8 p.m. on election day, regardless of postmark. 2. By You in Person Prior to Election Day - to the Santa Cruz County Elections Department. The Elections Department is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3. By an authorized representative of the voter. If you are unable to personally deliver your ballot because of illness or other disability, you may authorize, on the green envelope, your spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother or sister to deliver the voted ballot on your behalf. The ballot may be delivered on election day to the Santa Cruz County Elections Department. 4. By You in Person on Election Day- to the Santa Cruz County Elections Department from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on election day, June 5, 2001. The County Building, which meets American with Disabilities Act accessibility standards, will be open on election day for voters who:
701 Ocean St., Room 210 Santa Cruz 831-454-2060 IF YOU LOSE YOUR BALLOT: If you lose or discard the enclosed ballot mailed to you, you may vote a provisional ballot at the location listed above on election day, or at the Santa Cruz County Elections Department beginning May 7, 2001. Once election officials confirm that you did not vote the ballot mailed to you, your provisional ballot will be counted. |
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