MARCH 5, 2002



The following calendar will apply to any county, school or special district to be placed on the March 5, 2002 Primary Election ballot.  Cities set their own deadlines for filing arguments, rebuttals and analyses for city measures.


Persons writing arguments or rebuttals are urged to obtain a copy of the “Guide to Writing Arguments, Rebuttals and Analyses for Local Measures” available from the Santa Cruz County Elections Department, 701 Ocean St., Room 210, Santa Cruz, or online at


Please call 831-454-2060 for more information.


Nov. 16


Deadline for filing Arguments for and Against the Soquel Union Elementary School Bond Measure

Measures called by jurisdictions in early November have earlier filing deadlines in order to meet printing schedules. Soquel School District was the only jurisdiction to call its measure under the EARLY filing schedule.


Arguments for and against the measure with “Signature Statement” and the tax rate statement are due by 5 p.m. on this date.  Once an argument for and against a measure is chosen, a copy will be provided to the opposing authors for the purpose of writing a rebuttal.

§9163, 9316


Arguments and tax rate statements are available to the public after the 5 p.m. deadline.

Nov. 26


Deadline for filing Rebuttals and Impartial Analysis for Soquel School Bond Measure

10 days after the argument is due, rebuttals with “Signature Statement” and, if necessary, “Authorization for Other Signers” are due by 5 p.m. Rebuttals are available to the public after the 5 p.m. deadline.

§9167, 9317


County Counsel to submit analysis (§9160, 9313) for county and special/school district measures.

Nov. 27 – Dec. 7

(E-98 to E-88)

10-day Public Inspection – Soquel School Bond

10-day public inspection of arguments & analysis for Soquel School Bond.  Documents will be on public display at the Elections Department, 701 Ocean St., Room 210, Santa Cruz. Efforts will be made to put the documents online at as soon as possible.


During this period any voter of the jurisdiction or the county elections official may seek a writ of mandate or an injunction requiring any or all of the materials to be amended or deleted.

§9190, 9380

Dec. 7


Letter Assignment of Local Measures

By this date, letters designating measures will be assigned by the elections official pursuant to Elections Code §13116.   Measures will be assigned in alphabetical order beginning with the letter following the last letter assigned in the previous election and continuing through Z, or as close to the end of the alphabet as possible to accommodate all measures filed for the current election.  For example, if the previous election ended with measure V, and five measures are on the next ballot, the measures will be assigned A, B, C, D, E rather than W, X, Y, Z, A.

For districts that overlap into other counties, the counties will mutually agree to use a letter designation for the measure that will not conflict or confuse the voter.

Measures will appear on the ballot and will be assigned letters in the following order pursuant to Elections Code §13109: Schools, County, Cities, Districts.

Dec. 7


Last Chance to Submit Resolutions Calling Election and Consolidating it with March – FINAL DEADLINE

Final deadline for the governing body of a district, city or other political jurisdiction calling an election for March and requesting to file the request with the county board of supervisors with a copy to the county elections official. 


Resolutions calling an election of ballot measures must be accompanied by ballot measure text and the ballot question containing 75 words or less.


Dec. 7


Tax Rate Statements for School Bonds Due

In connection with each bond issue specified in Section 9400, a tax rate statement must be filed with the county elections official not later than the 88th day prior to the election.


No later than

Dec. 10


Publish Argument Deadline

Elections official will publish a notice of the deadline for filing arguments. Elections official may include the deadlines for city and school measures, if so authorized. 

§9163 & Gov. Code §6061

Dec. 14


Deadline for Filing Arguments – FINAL

Arguments for and against ballot measures with “Signature Statement” are due by 5 p.m. on this date.  Once an argument for and against a measure is chosen, a copy will be provided to the opposing authors for the purpose of writing a rebuttal.

§9163, 9316


County, city, district or other political subdivision must submit a tax rate statement if they are proposing a bond measure

§9400, et. al.


Arguments and tax rate statements are available to the public after the 5 p.m. deadline.


Dec. 24


Deadline for Filing Rebuttals, Impartial Analysis and Auditor’s Analysis, if ordered – FINAL

10 days after the argument is due, rebuttals with “Signature Statement” and, if necessary, “Authorization for Others to Sign” are due by noon – county offices close at noon due to the Christmas holiday. Rebuttals are available to the public after the noon deadline.

§9167, 9317


County Counsel to submit analysis (§9160, 9313) for county and special/school district measures; City attorney to submit analysis of city measures.



County Auditor, if previously directed by the Board of Supervisors, to submit fiscal analysis of county measures.


Dec. 25, 2001 to Jan.  3, 2002
(E-70 to E-61)

10-day Public Inspection – FINAL

10-day public inspection of arguments & analyses.  Documents will be on public display at the Elections Department, 701 Ocean St., Room 210, Santa Cruz. Efforts will be made to put the documents online at as soon as possible.


During this period any voter of the jurisdiction or the county elections official may seek a writ of mandate or an injunction requiring any or all of the materials to be amended or deleted.

§9190, 9380


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