701 OCEAN ST., ROOM 210
831-454-2060 / FAX: 831-454-2445
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May 19, 2009
Contact: Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk
831-359-3628 (mobile)

Words Omitted on Four Touchscreen Ballot Propositions

At 8:20 a.m., Tuesday, May 19, 2009, the Elections Department discovered that there were words omitted from the ballot questions on four state Propositions (1A, 1B, 1C, & 1D) on the Special Statewide Election electronic touchscreen ballot. The paper ballots are correct. And, the other two Propositions (1E and 1F) on the touchscreen ballot are correct.

As of 7 a.m. Election Day, no voters had voted on the touchscreen. By the time the error was discovered, 4 voters had voted on the touchscreen at 701 Ocean Street in Santa Cruz and no voters had voted on the touchscreen at the Watsonville satellite voting location. It is unknown at this time how many voters voted on the touchscreen at each of the 95 polling places in Santa Cruz County. The error was a human proof-reading mistake made by the Santa Cruz County Elections Department.

All polling place Inspectors were immediately called and any voter who votes on the touchscreen will be shown the correct language printed in the Sample Ballot and will be told that about the missing words.

The touchscreen ballot for Proposition 1A omits the second year in two places where fiscal years are displayed. The ballot proposition should read:

"RAINY DAY" BUDGET STABILIZATION FUND. Changes the budget process. Could limit future deficits and spending by increasing the size of the state ‘rainy day’ fund and requiring above-average revenues to be deposited into it, for use during economic downturns and other purposes. Fiscal Impact: Higher state revenues of roughly $16 billion from 2010-11 through 2012-13. Over time, increased amounts of money in state rainy day reserve and potentially less ups and downs in state spending."

The touchscreen ballot for Proposition 1B omits the second year in two places where fiscal years are displayed. The ballot proposition should read:

"EDUCATION FUNDING. PAYMENT PLAN. Requires supplemental payments to local school districts and community colleges to address recent budget cuts. Fiscal Impact: Potential state savings of up to several billion dollars in 2009-10 and 2010-11. Potential state costs of billions of dollars annually thereafter."

The touchscreen ballot for Proposition 1C omits the word "billion" after the $5 and omits the second year in one place where the fiscal year is displayed. The ballot proposition should read:

"LOTTERY MODERNIZATION ACT. Allows the state lottery to be modernized to improve its performance with increased payouts, improved marketing, and effective management. Requires the state to maintain ownership of the lottery and authorizes additional accountability measures. Protects funding levels for schools currently provided by lottery revenues. Increased lottery revenues will be used to address current budget deficit and reduce the need for additional tax increases and cuts to state programs. Fiscal Impact: Allows $5 billion of borrowing from future lottery profits to help balance the 2009-10 state budget. Debt-service payments on this borrowing and higher payments to education would likely make it more difficult to balance future state budgets."

The touchscreen ballot for Proposition 1D omits the word "million" in two places and omits the second year in three places where fiscal years are displayed. The ballot proposition should read:

"CHILDREN’S SERVICES FUNDING. Temporarily provides greater flexibility in funding to preserve health and human services for young children while helping balance the state budget in a difficult economy. Fiscal Impact: State General Fund savings of up to $608 million in 2009-10 and $268 million annually from 2010-11 through 2013-14. Corresponding reductions in funding for early childhood development programs provided by the California Children and Families Program."

