Tuesday |
19,2009 |
Prior |
Date Task
Completed |
74 |
March 6,2009 |
Last Day to Submit Resolutions of Consolidation - Final deadline for the governing body of
a district, city, school or other political subdivison which requests
consolidation of a local election for cands/measures. Deadline for filing Tax Rate Statement for
Bond Measures |
74 |
March 6,2009 |
Send consolidation resolution to BOS. See
word.bos.res.consolidation for local ballot measures |
74 |
March 6,2009 |
of Mail Ballot Precinct - last day to determine that there are 250 or fewer
registered voters in any precinct.
Card to be mailed to each involved voter regarding date they should
receive their mail ballot. |
83 |
February 25,2009 |
and county offices when eligible incumbent does not file. This
provision does not apply if there is no incumbent eligible to be elected EC 8022(b), 8024, 8204 |
69 |
March 11,2008 |
Arguments Due for Meaures
- Deadline to submit arguments for or against ballot measures filed by
local entity E.C. 9163,
9216 |
March 12, 2008 to March 22, 2008 |
10-day Public Inspection for Measures |
69 |
March 11,2009 |
Prepare copies of measures/state proposition wording for
proofing |
64 |
March 16,2009 |
For those jurisdictions that submitted measures on this date
arguments for and against measures will be due, as well as tax rate
statements (if applicable). |
60 |
March 20,2009 |
60 day registration close - Registration Files Update |
60 |
March 20,2009 |
During this period, county elections officials shall send to SOS |
50 |
March 30,2009 |
summary statement of RV by party as of March 30, 2009 EC 2187 |
60 |
March 20,2009 |
Federal Election - Overseas Voter, Application for Absent
Voter's Ballot |
EC 3304 |
60 |
March 20,2009 |
Special Absent Voters' ballot application period begins - EC
300(b), 3103 |
54 |
March 26,2009 |
54-Day Walking Lists Prepared EC 2184 |
50 |
March 30,2009 |
The last day for county to send to SOS a summary statement of
the number of RV as of March 20, 2009 - EC 2187(d)(4) |
40 |
April 9,2009 |
Ballot pamphlet mailing EC 13300-13304 |
21 |
April 28,2009 |
these dates the county elections official shall mail a Sample Ballot and
polling place notice to each registered voter. Between these dates
the SOS shall mail state ballot pamphlets to all houselholds in which voters
were registered by Friday, March 20 (E-60).
The County will do a supplemental mailing of state pamphlets to voters
who register after May 4. |
April 30,2008 |
fixed by Law - Quarterly statements by Ballot Measure Committees (any
measure) G.C. Code 84202.3 |
30 |
April 19,2009 |
Notice of Early Tabulation - last day for jurisdictions/SOS to
notify county elections that certain offices or measures to be voted on are
of more than ordinary public interest and require early tabulation and
announcement. EC 14440 - 14443 |
29 |
April 20,2009 |
Prepare sets of sample ballots for media & any
cities/districts holding elections. |
29 |
April 20,2009 |
Last Day to Register to Vote to Ensure Receipt of Sample
Ballot Voter registration
cards received by this date (postmark NOT ACCEPTABLE) will be added to the
rolls and the voters will receive a Sample Ballot Booklet. EC 9094, 13303 |
29 |
April 20,2009 |
Precinct Boards and Polling Places-last day to issue order
appointing precinct board members, designate polling places; notify EO of
appointment; publish list of EO/PP EC 12286 |
29 |
April 20,2009 |
29-Day Walking Lists Prepared - The County Elections Oficial
willprepare the 29-day voter index available for the purchase upon written
application at a cost of 50 cents per 1,000 names. EC 2184 |
29 |
April 20,2009 |
Mail Ballot Precincts. Mail vote-by-mail ballots |
EC 3005 |
29 |
April 20,2009 |
Between these dates, any registered voter may apply to county |
7 |
May 12,2009 |
for a vote-by-mail ballot. |
25 |
April 24,2009 |
Prepare "week-end voting" work calendar. Need two
spanish speaking people and one full time staff person. |
21 |
April 28,2009 |
Last day for SOS to mail State Ballot pamphlets EC 9094 |
16 |
May 3,2009 |
Late Independent Expenditure Report (Form 496)- GC 84204, 85500. |
1 |
May 18,2009 |
Also -
Slate mailer organizations. |
15 |
May 4,2009 |
15-Day Registration - The last day for any person to register to
vote in the statewide special election.
EC 2107 |
15 |
May 4,2009 |
Send to SOS a summary statement of the number of voters by party |
7 |
May 12,2009 |
by May 4, 2009 (E-15) EC
2187(d)(5) |
14 |
May 5,2009 |
New Citizens Registration Period |
7 |
May 12,2009 |
EC 331,
3500, 3501 |
12 |
May 7,2009 |
Supplemental Independent Expenditure Report Gov. Code 84203.5,
82031 |
10 |
May 9,2009 |
Last day for a County to mail Sample Ballots to the voters
EC 13300c |
10 |
May 9,2009 |
Last day for a County to mail supplemental State pamphlet EC9094(c) |
6 |
May 13,2009 |
Late applications for Absentee ballots EC 3021 |
0 |
May 19,2009 |
Voters may
come to Elections Department and receive ballot over the counter |
7 |
May 12,2009 |
Postage goes up to 44 cents. |
7 |
May 12,2009 |
Last day to send a summary statement to SOS reflecting voters
registered as of May 4, 2009
EC 2187(d)(5) |
3 |
May 16,2009 |
Weekend Voting |
2 |
May 17,2009 |
The Santa Cruz County Elections Department and Watsonville City
Hall will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for weekend voting. |
1 |
May 18,2009 |
Measure Committees that make or receive a contribution during
this 16 day period. Guar. overnight
mail, telegram, personal delivery, FAX within 24 hrs. |
0 |
May 19,2009 |
Polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. |
May 19,2009 |
Begin to Process provisional and absentee ballots from polls. |
May 21,2009 |
Canvass of precinct returns is to be completed during this time. |
June 16,2009 |
E.C. 15301, 15372 |
June 18,2009 |
Statement of Vote to Board of Supervisors - Certificates of
Election Prepared EC 15372, 15400-15401 |
5 days after Canvass |
Recount may be Requested - EC 15620, 15634 |
Varies between 10 days to 6months following certification |
Contesting Election - any elector of a county, city or of any
political subdivision of either may contest any election held therein. EC 16100, 16401 |