Santa Cruz Elks Lodge |
150 Jewell St. Santa
Cruz |
4th Floor
Community Room A |
on the 6th level of the parking structure. Bring ticket to class for validation. |
Scotts Valley Community
Center |
Main and Fireside Rooms |
360 Kings Village Rd.
Scotts Valley |
12:30 PM 3:00 PM |
Library |
Class sessions are 2 ½ hours
in length. The same material is
presented at each class session. You are
welcome to attend as many class sessions as you wish; however, you will receive
the stipend of $20 only once. You
must work at a polling place to receive the $20.
If you are unable to attend
an Inspector class, you may attend a Clerk.
After the class is over, we will spend about 25 to 30 minutes reviewing
Inspector duties and the manual.