(Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9)

This section shall not apply to counting words for ballot designations.

Each word is counted as one word except:

PUNCTUATION: Punctuation is not counted.

TITLES: Words used in the title of the document, such as "Argument in Favor of Measure A" are not counted.

CITIES/COUNTIES: All geographical names shall be counted as one word. Areas that have boundaries and can be mapped are considered geographic areas. For example, "County of Santa Cruz" and "Pajaro Valley Unified School District" shall each be counted as one word.

ABBREVIATIONS: Each abbreviation for a word, phrase, or expression shall be counted as one word.

HYPHENATIONS: Hyphenated words that appear in any generally available dictionary shall be considered as one word. Each part of all other hyphenated words shall be counted as a separate word.

DATES: Dates consisting of a combination of words and digits shall be counted as two words. Dates consisting of only a combination of digits shall be counted as one word. January 1, 2000 shall be counted as two words, whereas 1/1/00 shall be counted as one word.

NUMBERS: Any number consisting of a digit or digits shall be considered as one word. Any number which is spelled, shall be considered as a separate word. A100" shall be counted as one word, whereas Aone hundred" shall be counted as two words.

PHONE & INTERNET: Website addresses and telephone numbers are one word.

PERCENT, ETC.: It is department policy to count numbers consisting of a digit or digits used with a dollar sign ($), cent sign (ยข), percentage sign (%), or number sign (#) as one word.

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