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Santa Cruz County ElectionsMarch 2, 2004
March 5, 2003 To: Board of Supervisors, County Administrative Officer, Cities, Special Districts and School Districts Re: Deadlines for March 2, 2004 and November 2, 2004 Elections From: Crystal Bertheau, Santa Cruz County Elections Department We have received numerous inquiries regarding deadlines for the 2004 election cycle. Therefore, we are sending this early letter to advise you of some of the important deadlines. Please be advised that a complete packet of election information will be mailed to you in June 2003 for the March 2004 election and in February 2004 for the November 2004 election. MARCH 2004 PRIMARY ELECTION The Primary Election in 2004 is March 2nd. There are no regularly scheduled elections consolidated with the Primary for any city, special or school district in Santa Cruz County. Jurisdictions, however, may consolidate with this March Primary a special election to fill a vacancy or place a measure before voters. Please be advised that the cost of consolidating a special election with the Primary Election is higher than consolidating an election with November General due to the increased costs of printing ballots and Sample Ballot Pamphlets for each qualified political party as well as nonpartisan voters. We suggest most jurisdictions holding elections in March 2004 budget $2.50 to $3.50 per registered voter. The important deadlines for the March 2, 2004 election are:
NOVEMBER 2004 GENERAL ELECTION The General Election in 2004 is November 2nd. All of the cities in the county as well as most of the special and school districts are scheduled to hold their elections of city officers, governing board members and district directors in the general. For these jurisdictions, this is also a good time to place any measure on the ballot. We suggest most jurisdictions holding elections in November 2004 budget $1.50 to $2.50 per registered voter. In addition to filing by the 88th day before the election, or earlier, a resolution ordering the election and consolidating it with any other election being held on the same day, jurisdictions with regularly scheduled elections are also required to file an earlier notice:
The important deadlines for the November 2, 2004 election are:
ELECTION GUIDES AND SAMPLE DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE The following documents to assist you in planning your election are available now or will soon be available on our website at www.votescount.com. These documents can also be e-mailed to you in "Word" format or can be mailed to you in hard copy upon your request.
BILLING FOR THE ELECTION Jurisdictions that do not go to election in November 2004 due to an insufficient number of nominees will be billed according to the following schedule: Jurisdictions with 2,500 or fewer registered voters: $ 50 Jurisdictions with 2,500 to 10,000 registered voters: $100 Jurisdictions with 10,001 or more registered voters: $150 Jurisdictions that do go to election in either March or November 2004 will be billed for their cost of the election in the months following the election. See estimates above under each election. If you need our assistance, please contact Crystal Bertheau at (831) 454-2408 or e-mail at crystal.bertheau@co.santa-cruz.ca.us
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