Imparial Analysis of Measure B

Dana McRae, County Counsel

If this measure is approved by at least two-thirds of those voting on it, the Soquel Union Elementary School District (the “School District”) will be authorized to levy a special tax on real property.  The tax would be imposed for six years beginning July 1, 2019, at the rate of $96.00 per year on each parcel within the School District.

The proceeds of the special tax, if approved, may be applied only to the purposes stated in the full text of the ballot proposition and ballot question and not for any other purpose.

In accordance with State law, the School District would carry out accountability measures.  It would create a special account into which the proceeds of the special tax shall be deposited.  An annual report would show the amount of the special taxes which have been collected and expended, and the status of projects to be funded from those proceeds.

A citizens’ oversight committee is to provide oversight concerning expenditure of the tax revenues.     

The special parcel tax is to be collected in the same manner, and subject to the same interest and penalties, as those property taxes which are based upon property value.      

Property owners who are 65 years of age or older may obtain an exemption if the property is used solely for owner-occupied, single family residential purposes, by applying prior to June 30 of any year to the School District.              

This measure was placed on the ballot by the Board of Trustees of the Soquel Union Elementary School District.        

A “yes” vote on Measure B is a vote to approve imposition of the special parcel tax.         

A “no” vote on Measure B is a vote against imposition of the special parcel tax.