Impartial Analysis of Measure P
Dana McRae, County Counsel
If this measure is approved by at least two-thirds of those voting on it, the La Selva Beach Recreation District (the “District”) will be authorized to levy a special tax on real property. The tax would be imposed for seven years beginning July 1, 2019, at the rate of $50.00 per year on each residential parcel within the District.
The proceeds of the special tax, if approved, may be applied only to the purposes set out in the full text of Measure P which is printed in this pamphlet. The proceeds of the special tax may not be used for administrators’ salaries or benefits.
In accordance with State law, the District would carry out accountability measures. It would create a separate account into which the proceeds of the special tax shall be deposited. An annual report would show the amount of the special taxes which have been collected and expended, and the status of projects to be funded from those proceeds.
The special parcel tax is to be collected in the same manner, and subject to the same interest and penalties, as those property taxes which are based upon property value.
This measure has been placed on the ballot by the Board of Directors of the La Selva Beach Recreation District.
A “yes” vote on Measure P is a vote to approve imposition of the special parcel tax.
A “no” vote on Measure P is a vote against imposition of the special parcel tax.