Argument for Measure H
The affordable housing crisis directly affects all of us in Santa Cruz County. It’s driving out many longtime local residents and preventing many young families from owning a home.
Hardworking local teachers, service workers, farmworkers – and those who are working two jobs to make ends meet – are falling farther and farther behind. The local housing market continues to outpace any increase in income for too many of our neighbors.
Some are leaving the county. Some have become homeless. When that happens – our community suffers.
We all know someone impacted: friends, family, co-workers, neighbors – or ourselves.
Measure H will provide funds directly to local communities – Santa Cruz, Watsonville, Capitola, Scotts Valley and the unincorporated County – to create more affordable housing opportunities.
Measure H will:
- Provide down payment assistance for local first-time homebuyers like teachers, service workers and firefighters so families can afford to buy and stay here.
- Make affordable housing with supportive services available to our most vulnerable community members including seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans, and those suffering from homelessness and mental illness.
- Help agricultural and other employers who have problems hiring due to a severe shortage of affordable workforce and farmworker housing. Ensuring workers can find affordable homes helps sustain our local economy.
Measure H has tough fiscal controls including an independent citizens’ oversight committee to assure the funds are spent properly.
Measure H would be part of the Low Income Senior Property Tax Postponement Program; preventing any current tax burden on those who can least afford it.
Nearly two years in the making, Measure H comes from nearly one hundred local residents collaborating throughout our community to create a plan to make Santa Cruz County more affordable.
Business, labor, affordable housing advocates, environmentalists, farmers, homeowners and renters all agree on the importance of passing Measure H.
Please join us in Voting Yes on Measure H.
Michael Watkins
Santa Cruz County Superintendent of Schools
Raymon Cancino
Chief Executive Officer, Meals on Wheels and Lift Line, Programs of Community Bridges
Katherine Beiers
Former Mayor of Santa Cruz
Thomas Broz
Organic Farmer/County Farm Bureau President
Keisha Frost
Chief Executive Officer, United Way of Santa Cruz County