Richard B. Fox
For U.S. Representative, 18th District

Party Preference: Republican
Occupation: Physician/Attorney              

Dr. Fox: Fiscal Conservative, Social Moderate, Pro-Choice, Libertarian-Republican, Physician, Attorney.

-Grow the Economy By Balancing the Federal Budget, End Crony Capitalism, Grow Jobs and Opportunity for All, Especially the Young and Minorities.

-Promote Inclusiveness, Civility, Respect: America Is For All Ages, Incomes, Races, Ethnicities, Faiths, Genders, and Orientations.

Deficit spending and borrowing (Keynesian Economic Stimulus) aren’t working.  The federal debt has nearly doubled in the last eight years and the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, measuring money printing, has more than doubled in the last eight years. Obviously, this is unsustainable and our children and grandchildren will not, should not, forgive us for leaving this to them.

Furthermore, the unsustainable government spending and debt are killing the economy. The recovery from the 2008 recession is the worst since WWII (2.1% annual growth). Labor force participation is at record lows. Home ownership and affordability are the lowest in fifty years despite record low mortgage rates. Half of adults under 35 still live with parents. This economy only works for the 1%, the stock markets, and the well-connected crony capitalists. We are heading toward a permanently stagnant economy saddled with unemployment, welfarism, undignified dependency, failing schools and families, and unsustainable government pensions and debt. Think Detroit, Chicago, California, Greece, Venezuela.

For a healthy, growing economy for everyone, we need to control wasteful spending and borrowing with a Balanced Budget Amendment whereby the President and Congress don’t get paid unless the budget balances.


Richard B. Fox, M.D., J.D., B.A. (Economics)