Benjamin "Ben" T. Cogan
Self employed 831-200-4022 Age: 36
I am running to make a difference because I believe in Santa Cruz. I see our government slipping away from the will of the people. Local policy is currently coming from appointed officials, stake holders and outside interest groups in the form of regional policy. AMBAG represents this. I will insure that the people's voice is heard as part of the policy making process. I have been a full time mechanic for over 12 years and work hard like you to pay my bills. I have a strong passion for our freedom. The constitution was written to protect people like us from government overreach and preserve our unalienable rights. I honor the position of county Supervisor as a way of service and a responsibility like jury duty. Standing up to unjust laws, unnecessary regulations and protecting property rights. I'm interested in re-instating the citizen’s appeals board for the planning department. I will open the dialog on potential impacts of the 5G infrastructure. I would like to find solutions for the housing crisis and create community gardens. I am a BSA Eagle Scout. On March 3rd I recommend we vote via paper ballot, and then I request your vote.
Benjamin Cogan