You must let us know which of the following categories fits your situation:
1 |
You live somewhere outside of Santa Cruz County and intend to return to Santa Cruz County at some future time.
If this describes your situation, then you may keep Santa Cruz County as your voting address and continue to vote on state and local issues.
You may vote by mail or, if you are in Santa Cruz County the month before the election, you may vote in person at the County Elections Department or at your assigned polling place on Election Day.
2 |
You moved away from Santa Cruz County but, you have not found a place where you want to live and vote.
In this case, you may continue to use Santa Cruz County as your voting address until a new one is established – even though your intention to return is not certain. This is pursuant to a court case Walters v. Weed (1988) AKA “UCSC Student Voting Case.” 45 Cal.3rd.1.
Voters who are students, traveling around the country, or are transient are often in this category.
You may vote by mail or, if you are in Santa Cruz County the month before the election, you may vote in person at the County Elections Department or at your assigned polling place on Election Day.
3 |
You are in the military or overseas and want to vote.
You must complete the Federal Post Card Application. Once this application is on file, for all future elections we will automatically mail you a ballot 60 days before an election. |
4 |
You now live outside the United States and your return is not certain.
You must complete the Federal Post Card Application. Once this application is on file, for all future elections we will automatically mail you a ballot 60 days before an election.
US citizens living permanently abroad are mostly in this category.
Please let us know which category above defines you, and we will process your request accordingly.
You may register to vote in California at
Applications for vote by mail may be submitted online at
Voters who vote by mail or at the polls are required to provide the address where they live in Santa Cruz County and sign under penalty of perjury that the information is correct.
If you do not intend to return to Santa Cruz County and you live within the United States, you must re-register to vote using your new home address prior to voting in the next election.