Military and Overseas Voters

First, you need to sign up. Complete the Registration and Absentee Ballot Request - Federal Postcard Application 

Application can be FAXed to 831-454-2445 or emailed to

If you don't have a FAX machine and don't have a scanner, you can take a photo of your application and email it to John Beck. (You will need to locate a FAX machine to return your voted ballot, or you will have to mail it.)

Then mail the hard copy of your Federal Postcard Application with wet signature to:

Santa Cruz County Elections
Attn: John Beck
701 Ocean St., Room 310
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Ballots will be mailed or emailed (depending on what your selected on your federal postcard application) to military and overseas voters between the 60th and the 45th day before an election. While many military and overseas voters will FAX their ballots back, some rely on mailing ballots through the postal service which is why you are provided with more time to receive, vote and return your ballot.

Federal Voting Assistance Program

Remote Voting in the Military or Overseas
Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail (RAVBM)


Voters who are registered as a service member, eligible spouse/dependent of someone in the military, or an overseas United States citizen can request and receive access to the Remote Accessible Vote by Mail system.  Santa Cruz County has selected Dominion Voting Systems Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail (RAVBM) to provide this service.  The Remote Accessible Vote by Mail system allows voters who are in the military or overseas to download and mark their ballot, print their marked ballot, and return it to the Elections Office to be counted.


Access the service anytime, day or night during an election period.


Click here and complete the form.

Access your ballot

We will email you a Voter Access Code to access your ballot.

You can then access and mark your ballot using the link emailed to you.

Prepare your ballot

Once you have completed voting your ballot, print it, and return it using one of the following options:

1. Return your ballot by mail:  Place only your voted ballot, and no one else’s, in an envelope.  You may use any envelope you have available.  Our address is:

Santa Cruz County Elections
701 Ocean St., Room 310
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Sign your name and clearly print your name and address where you are registered to vote in Santa Cruz County on the outside of the envelope.  If you cannot sign your name, make a mark and have someone witness it.  Your name must be clearly printed near the mark and the witness must sign his/her name as a witness. You must make a mark, having a power of attorney sign the envelope is not allowed.

If you don’t want your signature and personal information exposed on the outside of your envelope, use a second envelope and write "Official Ballot Enclosed" on the outside of your envelope. Your ballot must be received by 8:00pm PST on November 8, 2022 or postmarked by Election Day and received no later than November 15, 2022.

2. Return your ballot by Fax:  Fax your voted ballot and Oath of Voter to 831-454-2445.  Our office cannot accept your faxed ballot without the Oath of Voter.  Your ballot must be received by 8:00pm PST on November 8, 2022.

3. Return your ballot to the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP): If you do not have access to a FAX machine, you can email your ballot to and the FVAP will FAX your election materials for you. You are advised to use this DoD FAX service well in advance of the 8:00 pm PST November 8, 2022 deadline for ballots to be received. 

Email your:

California Law does not allow you to return your marked ballot to your local elections official by email.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: